Monday, December 1, 2008

i'm going crazy, bonkers, nutso! i can't take it any more!

i lost my voice...well, technically, my vocal chords are still my my throat, but the ability to produce sound is gone. some may say that is a blessing (and you know who you are), but me, i'm going bazerk.

i love to sing. i love to make up my own words to popular songs. i love to roll down the windows, turn up the radio, and sing as loud as i can.

i got nothing. i sing in the worship band at my church. i made it through saturday night alright, and about 2 minutes after the set, gone. no voice. sunday morning didn't happen, and phone calls have been an adventure. i tried to order food through a drive through today, and i almost pulled forward to the window to order.

i've taken all the medications to stop coughing, decongest, relieve the pain, and loosen the phlegm, but i haven't found the medication to make my voice come back. any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

say what?!?!

i know, it's been a busy blogging week, but i have to get this one out there.

occasionally, i will listen to christian radio stations. recently, i was listening, and heard a song by a popular christian recording artist (who used to be a part of dc talk), which featured a couple other well known recording artists. i own the album that features the song in question, so was very familiar with the words. about halfway through the song, the word "pimp" is used, not in a derogatory way. it's used to make the point that it does not matter is you are a pimp or a hoe, you are still loved by your Creator.

anyway, the christian radio station bleeped the word "pimp" in the christian song! say what?!?!?! now we are censoring christian radio?!?! i understand that the songs are supposed to be positive and kid friendly, but really? i never thought i would see the day when christian radio needed to be censored.

Monday, November 10, 2008

random religious ramblings

3 random thoughts (not necessarily religious, but wanted to roll with the "r" theme) from the weekend...

  • i was surfing last week and found an interesting response to the political events of the last week...from The Message version...

The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

please note it does not say that we have to agree with our government or leaders, or that we even have to like them, but it does say we should pray for them. i've heard many express their dislikes about the ideal and plans of some recently elected officials. i respect those opinions, however, instead of gripping and complaining about how much we dislike a political leader, why don't we try following the above passage.

  • my church has a home. for the past 3ish years, we've been renting a movie theater on the west side of cincinnati, and most recently started having a saturday night service at another location. many hours were spent setting up, tearing down, and transporting equipment all over the west side. yesterday we officially held our last sunday morning service in the theater. it was a bit nostalgic...thinking about how we won't have to get up at 6am anymore, or set everything up and tear everything down every week, or that we won't have sticky candy, gummy candies, or rats under our feet anymore! i got to participate in the last was great...quite an honor actually, to think about where our church body has come, and where it is headed. truly a God moment.

  • i invited an atheist to church this weekend. he came, really he did. no gripping, no kicking and screaming. he even seemed to have fun (i could be totally wrong). i invited him to come back. we'll see what happens.

Monday, November 3, 2008

new toy

i got a new toy last weekend...and of course, i had to break it in. enjoy.

brynn...the camera loves her, too bad she doesn't love it.

trey has eyes that just make you melt.

trenton as a pumpkin for halloween.

artsy stairwell picture.

beer brewing

yep, the hops boiled over and ended on the ground.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

raindrops on roses...

disclaimer: i know this is post number 2 for the day, but that's what happens when you can't sleep.

so as i'm sure we've all caught on to by now, i travel, alot, and over the course of traveling, i've gathered a list of favorite things. hopefully, some of you may get to experience these as well.

and without further ado...

favorite airport bathrooms - minneapolis, st. paul airport. why? first, the doors on the stall in every bathroom swing out, not in, so you can take carry on luggage in with you pretty easily. second, the stalls are twice as deep as the typical stall, so even if the doors swung in, i would still have plenty of room to roll in the bag without having to scrunch it up against toilet.

favorite electronic gizmo - pny 2gb micro sd memory card. this is the memory card currently in my phone, which also has an mp3 player option. add a duel headphone hands free device, and you have an incredible way to not listen to the screaming child on the plane...but please ensure that all personal electronic devices are turned to the off position at this time.

favorite traveling companion - the message remix. mine looks kind of like this, but the picture is of a city and it looks like rain drops...anyway, its small, compact, and easily packable. and let's be honest, it has high ease of readability.

favorite snuggler - the blanket at the embassy suites tulsa. sorry, no link available for the blanket, but think velvety, thick and warm. i really want one to take home with me. when i'm at that hotel i carry the blanket around with me like linus.

favorite reading material - crummy church signs. i know, all of you thought i was going to list your blog, which is mostly good stuff. however, if you really want a good laugh and some humorous commentary, this is the way to go.

favorite piece of luggage - one quart zip top clear bag. i fly a lot, enough said.

favorite people mover - the up escalator in terminal 3 at cvg. going past security and up the escalator means i'm home.

Friday, September 19, 2008

reality check

i'm traveling through the midwest this week. i was lucky enough to see my friend ellen while traveling.

the morning today didn't start off so great. my alarm somehow changed from am to pm, so i was about 45 minutes late getting out the door. on the way to the airport, i discover my credit card is missing. i search all my bags and my wallet multiple time, and thus, report is lost. soon after, i located the missing card in a super secret compartment of the super secret that it was even secret from me. i knew may day could only get better, and would never be worse than april 15, 1995.

i had a couple hours to kill while in oklahoma city before my meeting. my husband had told me about a really cool place that i needed to see. i headed downtown, to what used to be the murrah federal building. i'll let the pics tell the rest of the story.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

adventures in (doggie) parenthood, part 2

it's official, i've reached a new low as a dog owner. just see for yourself.

trey got bit by something, and of course, he bit and licked, and scratched. And then brynn bit, and licked, and scratched. he made a trip to the vet on monday. got a sweet haircut out of the deal, and a fancy new lampshade. he'll be ok, once he quits running into everything. brynn is scared to death of the thing. thinks trey is now the most wicked (and i mean that in a bad way) thing she's ever come in contact with. and yes, the poor dog hates me for it. oh well, better the stylish accessory than the alternative.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

off the grid

i might have gone off the grid for a while...ok, about 3 assured, i'm still alive and kicking, but barely. this week i'm in orlando, phoenix, and tulsa, and yes, my body still thinks i'm in cincinnati. so while my body tells me it's 8am and i'm late for work, the clock say 5am. good thing i zonk at 8pm, right?

in the meantime, here's a little video to hold you over...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Man, pris?

so the latest and greatest (i guess) of men's fashion is the manpris...capris pants for men. you be the judge.

exhibit a: my friend ryan.

i would consider ryan to be a fairly trendy, well dressed man, of which i mostly credit to his fabulous wife. a couple weeks ago, ryan showed up to a public event looking as in the photo. he was razzed, horribly, by everyone. he claimed it was too hot, and he was going to be getting in the water, and he didn't have anything else to wear, and he didn't want to ruin a good pair of pants.

yeah, yeah, we hear you, whatever.

ryan, manpris are not cool. let your wife wear the capris pants, she looks hotter in them anyway.

Monday, July 28, 2008


and more important, Goodyear (some parts for Indianapolis Motor Speedway, too)

you don't know me, but for a few hours yesterday, i was northwest vista, section 1, row j, seat 10. yes, i, along with thousands of others, had the horrible pleasure of witnessing the greatest debacle in motorsports history. at the yard of bricks no less.

i am ashamed to call myself a nascar fan after what i witnessed yesterday, and you should be ashamed to allow such an event to happen while carrying your banners. double shame to you goodyear; this is not your first embarrassment this year!

at first i brushed this off, safety first, but this was ridiculous. and you knew this was going to happen, yet did nothing. you ruined one of the most high profile races on the circuit.

shame on you goodyear. you spent three days testing at this fabled track, and all you could say for yourselves was...huh, we don't know why this is happening, but maybe it will get better with more cars to lay down more rubber. congratulations, you have joined the lazy americans who would rather enjoy the status quo than work hard and provide a good product. and might i also add that the tire test at indy came after the atlanta event, where you took heat from all the teams for providing a poor quality tire. don't even try to pawn this off on driver safety. you blew it, again, and you feel safe because you have a long term multi-million dollar contract to keep providing crap products to race teams who have no choice but to use your product. i hope you are also proud of the example you have set forth for yourselves, for the sport of nascar, and for america at large...producing crap will still make you a headline name on monday morning.

maybe there was something to tony stewart's spout about your poor quality tires after the event in atlanta. the press and the governing body of the sport gave him a hard time about being so vocal about your products and poor company practices. i bet no one shuts him up this time.

shame on you nascar. you allowed this to happen. time and time again, you have sat back as a vendor has run wild through your sport, taking advantage all along the way. worst of all, this is not the first time this season, by the same vendor! you, the governing authority of this sport, sat in your infamous trailer and allowed a tire company to dictate what needed to happen. you saw the writing on the wall, yet did nothing. you allowed thousands of fans, including myself to spend insane amounts of money to watch a glorified practice! there was no racing! that event shamed nascar, the historic house of bricks, and the teams who actually have something on the line. your 2008 event at indianapolis was worse than an embarrassment, it was a fraud.

and let's be honest, it's not like tire issues at indy is a new thing. i've been there for 3 years, and each year there are mandatory caution flags throughout the race. you say it's for "driver safety," but it's not. your too chicken to stand up to a vendor and tell them to bring a quality product or go home! side note, i'm all for driver safety, and think it should be encouraged, but not to a point where is threatens competition.

and really, who would allow a brand new body style to run on a track that is historically a crap shoot with limited tire data and nothing to go one other than a hunch. shame on you nascar, shame on you.

shame on you indianapolis motor speedway. i understand that you had no control over the tires or the governing body of the sport; however, i sat in a section where repeatedly, fans threw beer cans onto the track, during green flag runs. remember that piece of debris on the front of the #11 car? yeah, from the fans in my section, and security turned a blind eye to the fact that debris was on the track. ironically, the stuff that normally causes cautions during a nascar events couldn't even get the attention of track security. and those fans, they got to stay and enjoy the race, and continue to throw beer cans.

i'm ashamed and disappointed in all of you, some more than others. i read numerous articles today from reputable sports organizations, some of which even carry the name of the governing body of the sport. over and over again the drivers apologized to the fans for such a horrible event. i appreciate that the drivers don't like to put on a show like that for fans. thank you. however, that doesn't change the fact that this was the worst race in history. i can safely say i will not attend another event at indianapolis motor speedway until the tire issue is cleared and guaranteed not to be an issue. i will not watch another live event if it is rumored before hand that there will be tire issues.

even more, i want my money back. i think you nascar, and you goodyear, should refund the fans the cost of the ticket and any travel costs associated with the weekend. i'm sure with the profits made from the weekend that shouldn't be a problem. of course, you're probably too busy working on a pr response to the mess that was, to acknowledge the fans, the life blood of your sport.

remember, we are what makes your sport so big. prepare your plan for when no one comes to watch glorified practices anymore.


one severely disappointed and pissed off fan

Monday, July 21, 2008

major update

i know, i's been a long time since i've last blogged. as you all know, i can't blog at work, i don't have the internet at home, and quit frankly, i haven't really felt much like blogging lately. i've got some good material now though, so expect multiple posts this week. and now, on with the show.

i'm in the middle of introvert hell. first of all, i feel the need to define an introvert. according to the myers-briggs personality profile, an introvert is someone who looks inward, takes time to reflect, draws energy and strength from within ones self. introverts aren't the most comfortable in large groups of people, nor do they recharge by being around people. introverts enjoy spending time by themselves. now this doesn't mean that they aren't loud and obnoxious, or that they don't like to socialize, they just aren't energized by it.

thus introvert hell. my new job requires lots of travel, which means lots of airports and planes, and you know what you find in those places...people, lots of them, loud, annoying, overwhelming people. i can't get away from them. last week i spent 4 days in miami, fl. lots of people, who don't speak english. i then spent the next 2 days at a family reunion at cedar point, and you know what i found there...people, lots of hot, sweaty people. now, i must say that i rather did enjoy myself. i finally got to meet all of the myers family, and they are some really cool people (a special shout to S &M...hehe, and yes, i love hilton too).

i then had a big weekend at church. lots more people, still hot and sweaty, and some egr (extra grace required). today i once again went to the airport and got on a plane with more people. and why is it that when there are 200 open seats in an airport, everyone sits in the seat right next to me! hello, personal space! and the week continues as such. best of all, i forgot that this weekend i'm going to the nascar race in, sweaty, drunk, crazy nascar fans....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

oh yeah, and the ac went out at our house.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

can you imagine getting a letter from God?

i'm traveling for business this adventures have taken me to the charlotte-douglas airport. while waiting for my flight i stumbled into a bookstore, no intention of buying, just looking. i can across the book "The Shack" of which i hear is an excellent book. i flipped to the back cover to get the gist before i decide to read it.

while standing there the associate at the book store came up to put more books on the shelf, and informed me that it is the current most popular book in her store and she can't keep it on the shelf.

as i continue to read the back cover, i discover the book is about the murder of a young daughter where her remains are found in a nearby shack. at some point later, the father receives a letter, apparently from God, instructing him to go back to the shack. in true back cover fashion, the description doesn't reveal what was found there, only that it changes his life.

i looked at the young woman from the book store and told her that many friends have read the book and raved about it. she looked at me and asked "can you imagine getting a letter from God?" to which i replied, letters from God come in many forms. she walked away.

my initial gut reaction to that question was yes, i can imagine getting a letter from God, in fact, i have...ok, not so much a pen and paper letter, but i've gotten memos. do this, tell her this, read this, realize this. it's a bizarre feeling, but i always know when it's coming from God.

i hope to read this book soon, and i hope it continues to spark dialogs about getting letters from God.

Monday, June 9, 2008

looky there!

first of all...i know, i've been a bad blogger lately...sorry. that said, on with the post...

i would like to introduce you to my new friend snappy.

steve picked out his name...clever don't you think. steve also ran over him with the lawn mover last night. note the battle scars on the top of his shell.

steve roll in the house with this grass covered rock, which i quickly realized was a turtle. we cleaned him (or her, not sure) off, and waited for the emergence of a head and legs from the shell. after a while, snappy was crawling all over the kitchen counters, and of course i had to grab the camera...the last time a saw one of these things close enough to touch was when i was about 10. the dogs also found snappy amusing. brynn wanted nothing to do with the shell, but trey was ready for a snack...snappy wanted nothing to do with the dogs.

after about an hour, we put snappy back outside...steve was ready to keep him until he realized it was another mouth to feed...about an hour after that he was gone. i felt like a kid again, and it was fun. Enjoy the photos of snappy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


i would call photography a hobby for me...i like it...i try to find really shots...sometimes it works, other times not as much. here are some of my favs from the weekend.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

must read

i came across this blog a couple weeks ago. i can't stop reading it...amazing story...i would start reading here...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

decisions, decisions

so i got this new job right, and one of the most important adjustment that always needs to be made at any new location...the bathroom. most importantly the stall.

i'm not alone. my husband has been known to go home at lunch because he can't find a suitable seat to occupy himself during life most important business.

the last 2 jobs i had didn't leave much option, 1 toilet, no choice, adapt or die. now, i have a complete row of options...and if i don't like the second floor, i can go down to the first. the issue of rear comforts is a serious deal, not to be poo poo'ed at (haha, get it).

i've spent the last 2 weeks finding that perfect seat. there are several things to consider, location (generally, the stall closest to the door is the cleanest), lighting, availability of tp, flushing quirks with the toilet, craftsmanship of the seat or any defects, space/roominess. i've tested most of them, and think i have found a new home for my posterior, that is until someone else is keeping my seat company, then i have to relocate. did you know there is a completely different set of bathroom etiquette for multiple stalls, and seating location when multiple people are occupying the facilities?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

so i got this fancy new job with a fancy new computer. i would upload a picture of the computer for you, however, i can't download, or upload, or install software for that matter.
my computer is locked down so tight, i can't even sync my calendar with my palm! that's right, no itunes, no activex (sorry, no more uploading photos to facebook for a while), i even had to get special permission to get a mouse.
oh well, at least i got a computer. i could have to hand write my reports.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


so first of all...sorry for the lack of posts last week. we hired a new person on monday, my last day was wednesday, and i had 3 jam packed days to train. i lack the internet at home (as well as home phone, yes i know i'm weird, and i'm ok with it) so i haven't been able to post, except form my cellular, i'll give it all to you in 1 big extravaganza.

i started a new job this week...i'm working for a pharmaceutical research company that conducts clinical drug trials. i will get to travel all over the US to make sure that everything is going as planned. good things about, more money, free 24 hour on site fitness center, free cherry coke in the cafe, laptop, cell phone. bad things...i sit in a cube (much like office space, and yes, i got the memo), i can't download any software not work related to the lappie...not aim, not itunes, not even the software for my palm...oh well, aim is just annoying anyway.

i got an email today asking me to sing again at church in 2 weeks...i must not be that bad:)

i was cutting trey dog's nails last night, he flinched, ripped off a nail, blood everywhere...i hate cutting his nails, and he hates going to the groomer.

the old man turns 30 tomorrow...i'm really starting to feel old.

i've successfully managed to keep off the 20 lbs that i lost from jan to march. a full month later, and i'm still feeling good.

friends are springing up babies all over the place, and for the first time in 2 years, i'm not jealous or upset by it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

check - part 2

so i realize that my previous post was not very informative...there is only so much you can type from your cell phone. anyway, i did it, i got to sing with the worship band for the weekend gathering. i think i'm still on a bit of a high.

saturday went well...steve said i needed to work on my stage presence. i think it was just that i was nervous, and really wanted to sound good. sunday morning was better. i was still getting used to singing with a monitor...i last sang in high school, but never used a monitor.

by the 11 o'clock service, i finally got it through my thick skull that it really didn't matter what i sounded like, or who was aging to say what about me...i was praising God...and it shouldn't matter what others might think, of it i'm dancing like a fool...i'm singing to God, not for the people. in understand that there is a level of performance when leading worship. if you aren't willing to worship with shameless audacity, then who is going to follow?

i got several compliments...most didn't know i could sing. the other 2 girls who sing a lot, both of whom i admire their voices, both had really good things to say. overall it was a great experience, and a good learning lesson for me. can't wait until i do it again.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


editors note- so I'm writing from my cell phone at church on saturday night.

long story short, I made the comment to my boss at the time, who is also the pastor of my church, that I have always wanted to sing in the worship band. no hidden agenda...just a passing comment before I sang karaoke.

so he encouraged me to add this to my list of dreams...things I wouldn't ordinarily do.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

saying goodbye

so i posted about 2 months ago that i was leaving my job. after a strange twist of events, and a few answered prayers, i am happy to say that i have a new job that will start on may 5th.

last friday at our company staff meeting, everyone had gathered around a huge table with written notes to me...about what they appreciated about me, and their wish for me. it was kind of overwhelming and a bit surreal hear people talk about you in a positive way. words like "compassionate" and "genuine" and "self aware" and "authentic" and "encouraging" were used. me? authentic and genuine? me? positive and encouraging? have we really met?

i've never thought about myself like that. i usually think of mildly pessimistic, selfish, and not flexible.

i was also greeted with great well wishes..for the happinesses of my heart, for the joys of parenthood, for all my dreams to come true. one of the cool things about my company is that we shared our dreams with each other, so the well wishes were authentic.

it's hard to say goodbye to folks who have been like family to me. it's easier knowing that they wish me well and that i will be missed.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

adventures in (doggie) parenthood

i have 2 dogs...trey is a 2 year old lab/brittany mix who has lived with us for a year. brynn is a year old boxer mix who has lived with us for 4 months.

we recently got to a point where brynn was able to stay in the kitchen without creating a mess, so the two of them hang out in the kitchen and keep each other entertained during the day.

yesterday, they made a jail break.

i rolled in about 5:15, and was greeted by not only 2 dogs (which doesn't happen if they stay confined), but a horrendous stench. further investigation revealed more than i wanted. they managed to rip to shreds everything they could get their paws on...kleenex boxes, tupperware, papers, yarn, shoes, oh yeah, and the nearly brand new bottle of ibuprofen (200 ct bottle).

gel coated ibuprofen look a lot like the jelly beans that their father feeds them. fortunately, their little dog bodies must have realized this was a bad move and left their bodies fast. unfortunately for me, if was a mass evacuation out of both ends - mostly mouth - on every inch of carpet on my first floor. this continued until about 8:30 last night.

good news though, trey seems to have returned to his normal self. brynn is still a bit lethargic, but the wiggle butt is returning. steve tells me this is preparing us for children...hopefully my children won't chew through a bottle of ibuprofen when i'm not looking.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

a moment to rant

so we are doing this adoption thing...and i'm totally on board, as is steve...and we know it is the work of God...but i need a minute to rant...

everything between the step of signing up to finally getting the child whomps! it does...and maybe it's supposed to make up for the 9 months of being uncomfortable and sleeplessness, but i guarantee a sleepless night didn't cost anyone 15 grand!

i'm a normal run of the mill american who just wants what most couples do, a family. for whatever reason, i get to go about it this way, and this way is not the most fun, at least at this point. i once heard that adoption is not a lucrative business...if not, please tell me where it all goes. 2k here, 50 bucks there, 15k here, 500 bucks there...pretty sure my preggo friends weren't shelling out this kind of cash, even for ultrasound.

not to mention the mound of paperwork and red tape to prove that i am who i am, that i do in fact make X dollar, live at said address, have a good upstanding character, am not a child molester, don't have dangerous living conditions, and am able to care for a child. i know my friends didn't have to do this much...maybe if everyone who wanted a family had these requirements and had to pay the costs for all this, teen pregnancy would decrease.

i'm sure in the end it will all be worth it, and it will seem like the easiest thing ever done, but as i'm hemorrhaging cash and the paperwork is piling...i say that this is for the birds.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

biggest loser

yes, as a matter of fact, i am a big loser.

it started as a contest with some friends, who can loose the greatest percentage of body weight. and little miss competitive couldn't let someone else win.

between january 1 and march 31, i lost 8.92% of my body weight (14 lbs) and was the biggest loser of those in the contest.

as of this morning, i am down to 10.2%. i'm feeling better, i'm looking better, and i can wear clothes that i haven't worn in years. bad news, all the clothes that i wore 3 months ago don't fit.

oh well, guess i'll just have to go shopping.

Monday, April 7, 2008

people watching

i've always been fascinated by human behavior. watching people go about their lives as if no one else is around.

it's 70 degrees today, and my employer recently purchased patio furniture for us to be able to sit outside and eat lunch or enjoy the weather. i've got a laptop and a wireless network, so i decided i would work, rather, people watch outside today.

my office is located in the mainstrasse village in covington, ky...imagine a hip, trendy, eclectic place where you have the very rich who come for coffee nestled next to the tattoo parlor in the middle of a poor neighborhood. that is mainstrasse village.

most folks pull up, park their cars, get out, and go on about their business with out a care in the world. others get out of their cars with the expression that says today is our big trip to the city for a fancy sit down meal where we can still smoke while we eat! one woman got out of her car, went to have what i assumed was lunch with a male companion, only to return an hour later drunk as a skunk and yelling obscenities at the top of her lungs...the neighbors at whom the obscenities were directed did not appreciate so much. some walk up and down the street all day. i just saw the same girl for the 4th time in the last half hour. either she is bored, lost, getting exercise or enjoying the weather like me.

mainstrasse is also a a big dog community. one of my favorite parts of working here is the fact that everyone in the neighborhood regularly walks their dogs, and takes them to the restaurants, and lets you pet them. my dogs too enjoy coming here because there are so many scents and smalls, and they generally get to meet other dogs while here.

warmer weather also brings the drive by know what i'm talking about. everyone has their windows down, and music up...i've heard to skynard, tu pac, justin timberlake, something totally unrecognizable, and even the reds game. clothing is also an issue...for some reason, when the temp goes up, the clothes come off...and it's usually the most unattractive people who do the most revealing.

and it's not just me who of my coworkers just walked up the street to get lunch and noticed the same thing. i wonder is someone is on the street thinking i'm odd because i'm typing on my computer...probably.

Friday, April 4, 2008

somehow, i'm not suprised

the world is small...really it is. everyday i discover new connections to people, especially those in the Kingdom, that i couldn't dream up if i tried.

my husband is in a small group - a group of 10-12 guys age 19-35, who love and want to know more about Jesus, and want to live in community with each other. recently some of the guys helped out a brother from another mother, and he wanted to express his gratitude to the group. steve has not stopped talking about this guy, or that evening. he has called it by far one of the best nights for that group in a long time.

i was at work today, and my coworker and friend dtrue asked me if steve was in a men's group that met on monday nights, and if he had a bushy breaded visitor recently. i replied yes and shared what i could about steve's amazing visitor.

turns out - i work with dtrue, who is friends with lew, who was the guest of honor at steve's small group, and would have never met if a bunch of guys decided not to love their brothers like Jesus loved us....

i rest my case.

Monday, March 31, 2008

samuel anton

for those who don't know, we have decided to adopt from russia. our application has been approved, now comes the pile of paperwork required by the US and Russian governments. one thing we will get to do is to name our children(yes, that's right, children...we want to bring back brothers). we decided last week that the oldest of the 2 will be names samuel anton myers. while they will have somewhat "american" first names, we wanted them to have russian middle names...

we decided on samuel for the first name because of the story of samuel in the Bible. hannah, his mother had prayed for years for a child, even saying "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life..." one day hannah found she was with child and rejoiced, she gave birth and called him samuel "Because I asked the LORD for him." we asked God for a child, and this was His response...not quite like hannah, but close enough.

we wanted to have a middle name that started with the letter a...and i know, the poor kids initials will be the same as his least he won't forget. we landed on anton which is russian for "to go into battle." ironically enough, it is also the last name of a friend of mine...but i don't think he husbands family is russian. anyway, i feel very much like samuel will literally go into battle and fight some spiritual wars. steve and i have always felt like our children will do some amazing things for the Kingdom of God, and the names seem fitting.

samuel anton myers...wherever you are, we love you and can't wait to meet you!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

not so handy man

i got stitches last week...yep, 4 of them, and a tetanus shot for good measure. i was being a little handy man...finishing up some molding work in the house...using the ole coping saw when...that's right...horizontally about a half inch deep into my thumb right across the joint...1 hour later, i was sent home with my souvenir 4 stitches, thumb splint and antibiotics, and 20 minutes later, i was back at it...cutting molding and hammering you have any idea how hard it is to hold a nail with a metal splint on your thumb?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


here is my bracket...go ahead...laugh if you want...

Monday, March 17, 2008

adoption update

the application is in the mail! in 6-8 months, there will be little ones at my house!

Friday, March 14, 2008

between the ears

i seem to be having a bit of writer's block this week. maybe it's too many thoughts and the net can't catch one, or maybe the migraine i've had all week has jerry rigged the think tank upstairs...but whatever it is, there is nothing of much comprehension oozing out this week.

so, as an interim...the 10 things i'm thankful for this no particular order...

  • i applied for a passport this week...and it only took 15 minutes. thanks you doug from the post office.

  • i got to use one of my favorite words this week...palindrome. it would be way cooler if "palindrome" was actually a palindrome.

  • chipotle burritos. i've missed my delectable treat.

  • brynn and trey...a switch went on last week, and they have been the two most well behaved canines in the history of canines.

  • you suck at photoshop...the laughs are great, and it really is informational...if only everyone taught like that!

  • ellen...and her love for everything style, clean and creative...and century gothic (sorry, no font sample).

  • david for being my think tank, and being a person i can talk to about the impending adoption...i think he's as excited about it as me!

  • for those who are bold and outspoken enough to speak their mind...even if it's unpopular or ruffles feathers. i wish i had the gull.

  • novartis, the makers of excedrin migraine...twice a year you are my hero.

  • my God...who consistently shows me that He has me in His hand.

Monday, March 10, 2008

weekend in review

pictures from my weekend

the street my office is one. this about 11 on friday morning, near the beginning of the storm.
my office all snowy

even the dogs had fun...

toyota final won a cup race...and btw...the camry is the only automobile in the nascar circuit that is manufactured in the united states....georgetown, ky to be exact.

this is peyton james...i think he might be a pj...he was born on the 25th to a friend of mine...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

for your little one

it still amazes me how amazed i am at the amazingness of God. steve and i have decided to adopt, and as we have started telling people, it seems like a billion resources have been presented to us, and even some unexpected ones.

today a coworker walked up to me and handed me an envelope. "what this," i asked. "for you to read later," she said. i walked back to my desk, opened the envelope to find a card with a check inside...a blessing and a gift of support for our adoption. i balled my eyes out.

this adoption process is so not for me, but rather for the glory of God and the kingdom. i never thought i would be so deeply touched by the people i work with everyday, or the child that i have yet to meet.

thank you to my dear friend - your generosity is so undeserved and unexpected. i can't wait for you to meet our little one!

Monday, March 3, 2008


so i checked out a new restaurant last week...J Taps in western hills. they had a coupon in a magazine for a half price burger, so we thought we'd check it out. i have to say that i get a little creeped out by the term "sports bar and grill." my general impression has always been dark and dingy, with ok food, uncomfortable seating and blah service.

we went about 6 on thursday night. it was only about 1/3 full. the inside was spotless, and seating was spacious, with room for small parties or large groups. the bar was a rather large L shape, with plenty of seating also. the atmosphere said sports bar from the entrance - 15-20 flat screen TV's located throughout with a view from any seat, and not every TV was on the same station. posters, banners, and other sports items line the rafters and walls. they even show the ufc fights!

the food wasn't bad either. prices were comparable to other sports bars in town, but with more selection. they have the typical bar food...wings, nachos, burgers, but also have salmon, pasta, and the ever popular gyro. drink specials and prices seemed to be competitive also.

I was very impressed with my new west side find...i have a new favorite sports bar...J Taps, don't let me down!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


up until about 2 seconds ago, i thought i had a topic for today, but instead, i think maybe it's just better to get the random stuff out...

  • my nephew turned 4 this week...his party is saturday...i can't wait to see him.

  • my friends julie and jimmy birthed thier first child this week...i'm so excited for them.

  • my job search seems to be going nowhere fast.

  • i seem to be more annoyed by those who are detail challanged.

  • my husband gave up tv this week, i gave up my crackberry wannabe.

  • i'm ready for less snow and more sand.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

photoshop fun

my friend David introduced me to this video series yesterday...and it's just too good not to share. and yes, it really is informational. be sure to check out all 7.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

dark side of the moon

did you see this last night? a total lunar eclipse, visible from north america. spectacular.

if you look close, you see the speck that is saturn to the lowe right of the moon, and the star regulus (part of the constellation leo) just above the moon.