Wednesday, April 16, 2008

adventures in (doggie) parenthood

i have 2 dogs...trey is a 2 year old lab/brittany mix who has lived with us for a year. brynn is a year old boxer mix who has lived with us for 4 months.

we recently got to a point where brynn was able to stay in the kitchen without creating a mess, so the two of them hang out in the kitchen and keep each other entertained during the day.

yesterday, they made a jail break.

i rolled in about 5:15, and was greeted by not only 2 dogs (which doesn't happen if they stay confined), but a horrendous stench. further investigation revealed more than i wanted. they managed to rip to shreds everything they could get their paws on...kleenex boxes, tupperware, papers, yarn, shoes, oh yeah, and the nearly brand new bottle of ibuprofen (200 ct bottle).

gel coated ibuprofen look a lot like the jelly beans that their father feeds them. fortunately, their little dog bodies must have realized this was a bad move and left their bodies fast. unfortunately for me, if was a mass evacuation out of both ends - mostly mouth - on every inch of carpet on my first floor. this continued until about 8:30 last night.

good news though, trey seems to have returned to his normal self. brynn is still a bit lethargic, but the wiggle butt is returning. steve tells me this is preparing us for children...hopefully my children won't chew through a bottle of ibuprofen when i'm not looking.


Reverb said...

Man...I remember coming home to scenes like that more than once or twice. Since then however, we've been blessed by a doggie slow-down where they seem to be behaving a bit better. Of course, the letter from the mailman we got the other day would say otherwise...oh, and so would the urine inside of Ava's toy box.

Dang dogs.