Friday, April 4, 2008

somehow, i'm not suprised

the world is small...really it is. everyday i discover new connections to people, especially those in the Kingdom, that i couldn't dream up if i tried.

my husband is in a small group - a group of 10-12 guys age 19-35, who love and want to know more about Jesus, and want to live in community with each other. recently some of the guys helped out a brother from another mother, and he wanted to express his gratitude to the group. steve has not stopped talking about this guy, or that evening. he has called it by far one of the best nights for that group in a long time.

i was at work today, and my coworker and friend dtrue asked me if steve was in a men's group that met on monday nights, and if he had a bushy breaded visitor recently. i replied yes and shared what i could about steve's amazing visitor.

turns out - i work with dtrue, who is friends with lew, who was the guest of honor at steve's small group, and would have never met if a bunch of guys decided not to love their brothers like Jesus loved us....

i rest my case.