Monday, July 21, 2008

major update

i know, i's been a long time since i've last blogged. as you all know, i can't blog at work, i don't have the internet at home, and quit frankly, i haven't really felt much like blogging lately. i've got some good material now though, so expect multiple posts this week. and now, on with the show.

i'm in the middle of introvert hell. first of all, i feel the need to define an introvert. according to the myers-briggs personality profile, an introvert is someone who looks inward, takes time to reflect, draws energy and strength from within ones self. introverts aren't the most comfortable in large groups of people, nor do they recharge by being around people. introverts enjoy spending time by themselves. now this doesn't mean that they aren't loud and obnoxious, or that they don't like to socialize, they just aren't energized by it.

thus introvert hell. my new job requires lots of travel, which means lots of airports and planes, and you know what you find in those places...people, lots of them, loud, annoying, overwhelming people. i can't get away from them. last week i spent 4 days in miami, fl. lots of people, who don't speak english. i then spent the next 2 days at a family reunion at cedar point, and you know what i found there...people, lots of hot, sweaty people. now, i must say that i rather did enjoy myself. i finally got to meet all of the myers family, and they are some really cool people (a special shout to S &M...hehe, and yes, i love hilton too).

i then had a big weekend at church. lots more people, still hot and sweaty, and some egr (extra grace required). today i once again went to the airport and got on a plane with more people. and why is it that when there are 200 open seats in an airport, everyone sits in the seat right next to me! hello, personal space! and the week continues as such. best of all, i forgot that this weekend i'm going to the nascar race in, sweaty, drunk, crazy nascar fans....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

oh yeah, and the ac went out at our house.


Anonymous said...

I feel the introvert pain. Being in a customer service job and having to deal with people face-to-face every day wears me out.